My name is Lina and my son Andy is 2 years old. We live in Mississauga, Canada.
I had a very easy/awesome pregnancy with Andy. Once he was born we noticed his eyes weren't opening but we thought they were swollen from birth. After a few hours a nurse came by and was checking his eyes, noticing she couldn't open/find them. This is when all our worries began. The first few weeks and months were a wirld wind of appointments, emotions late nights that caused lots of stress to us and Andy.
But once everything settle and we had all test results, and started the conformer process things slowed down and we were able to fully enjoy time as a family and enjoy our little Andy.
Andy is an amazing little guy that loves music, water (pool, bath time, washing his hands), climbing, outdoors and it's so happy and positive.
We were so lucky to connect with the CNIB (Canadian national institute for the blind) they have been amazing at helping us get all the resources like early Intervention and orientation and mobility for Andy. Also, we were able to meet families with blind children as well as an older child with bilateral anopthalmia.Having this connection plus being part of BAAM Facebook group has taught us so much plus it gives a sense that we are not alone.
Andy is now 2 years old and thriving. He goes to daycare, talks and sings a lot, is super cheeky/funny and acts like any other 2 year old toddler. We love him so much and can't wait to see him grow up and be the best he can be.
My advice to other parents is to enjoy your children, treat them the same you would do as a sighted child, expose them to all activities, environments..... you will be amazed at what our children can do!
At the beginning I understand it might be hard and different emotions will arise. It's normal, but also take time to fully enjoy every moment as time goes by so fast.